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Category: Free Inquiry

This is the category to apply to your Free Inquiry posts.


So far my inquiry process has been somewhat chaotic. I tend to overthink what I want my topic to be. This time I thought I’d keep it simple, sort of. I’ve spent quite a few years of my life painting causally, taking art classes in high school but never outside of that. All of my art pieces have been relatively small, nothing bigger then 18″x34″. So, for my free-inquiry project I want to paint a larger piece. There are a few issue that come up when painting a large piece, the biggest one being cost. Large canvases are quite expensive, but I had a thought to put together a few smaller canvases in order to create one larger image. I quite like the way the second image flows

I am still very indecisive though, and change my mind everyday so I will continue to think about it. I am passionate about painting and the idea of this project excites me. I would love to time lapse the painting process, as well as share my brainstorming and sketching stages. I want to know what different challenges come with painting a large piece, if any. I want to know if I’ll enjoy doing it or if it’ll become a chore.

One of my small paintings!

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