As useful as H5P is for older students, I think it is much to confusing for primary aged children. As an adult I struggled figuring out how to use it, so I cannot imagine someone with no technology skills, trying to use it. I believe a software like IMovie is much easier to teach younger kids. When it comes to introducing topics like screen capturing and video editing, I find it’s important to not overwhelm students. With confusion from complex programs comes bad experiences, which only pushes the student further away from wanting to do those activities in the future.

Photo by Bas Peperzak on Unsplashed

I hope to teach primary aged students, K-3. With those slightly older kids starting off teaching things like stop motion. First giving the students the assignment of writing a short story, giving them a base to start their videos with. Then give options of items like Lego figures, glass beads, or Play-Dough. Get your students to re-create their stories using stop motion. Let your students take all the pictures, maybe giving a lesson on basic camera angels first. Then do a guided lesson using screen capturing, showing them a step by step on how to import, and move images around in an editing software like IMovie. Letting the students bring their stories to life, brings a level of engagement, a more structured assignment might not have.

LINKS: Music: Monkeys Spinning Monkeys · Kevin MacLeod · Kevin